How do I setup a Hyperwallet/Paylution account to withdraw funds?

Setting up a Hyperwallet/Paylution allows you to withdraw funds via bank ACH or wire and pre-paid debit card. Setup is quick and easy. 

  1. Go to your settings area (click on your Username in the upper right, select settings).
  2. Click on the Signup for Hyperwallet/Paylution link. This will submit the data you have to Hyperwallet via API (address, phone, etc). If you haven't filled out this information already, you will be forwarded to the address verification section. Fill out these details to continue. 
  3. You will be on the confirmation page which contains your Seller ID. Your Seller ID is your User ID on our system (which is called the Seller ID on Hyperwallet/Paylution). Copy and paste this number.
  4. An email will be sent to your primary email address of your account with further instructions from Hyperwallet/Paylution. You'll need to click the link and enter the Seller ID from step #3. 
  5. Fill out the onsite information and follow the steps to complete your account setup.  

Once you fill out the details in the Hyperwallet/Paylution portal, your account will become active. You can then withdraw funds using this option. 

- You can access the Ionicware portal and login to your account at:

- Review the fees associated with Hyperwallet/Paylution payments here

- Learn how to add a bank account to your  account here

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